After a long-awaiting return to the, "Final Frontier" as Starfleet define space. The Enterprise crashes after being overun by unknown forces in outerspace with their leader Krall. A lizard-like dictator who takes his energy by sucking the life out of his victims. Krall believes that there is an ancient artifact that was aboard the Emterprise that he wants. Stranded and left on a rugged wilderness, Kirk, Spock, and the what's left of the Enterprise's crew now have to battle a deadly alien race while trying to find a way off of the hostile planet.
Personally I thought that it was pretty good. It had a little bit of bad parts here and there, but overall, it turned out pretty good. Everyone in the movie and the cast in general all lived up to their roles and they have also made it look like it goes on after the 1st and 2nd movies. The movie bounces along, hurting it's heroes over coliding wreckage and into currents of artifical gravity, pausing just long enough for a punchlive or a knowing exchange of looks.